Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial version of CostBuilder?

Yes, CostBuilder offers a 14 day free trial so that you can familiarise with the user interface, search functionality, pick lists and see first hand just how extensive our construction rate libraries are. CostBuilder rate libraries are proprietary and require extensive time, resource and analysis to maintain. When you're ready to view all rates and gain access to all rate updates and new online product features, upgrade to any paid subscription plan.

How can I access the free trial version of CostBuilder?

To access the free trial, you will first need to create an account using our online form. Completing the form only takes a minute. When the form is complete and submitted online, login details will then be sent to your registered email address. Use those login details to access the CostBuilder demo over the next 14 days.

What is included in a CostBuilder 12 month subscription?

  • Full and unlimited access to all four CostBuilder rate libraries (Building cost rates, Elemental cost rates, Cost planning rates, Detailed rates)
  • Full and unlimited access to regional rates and international rates
  • Automatic access to rate library updates
  • Construction costs inflation reports issued by our QS team
  • Local NZ customer support helpline at no extra cost
  • All product features upgrades at no extra cost
  • Unlimited access to the platform for all registered users

How is a typical rate put together?

CostBuilder rates are assembled by our in-house Quantity Surveyor team. With more than 20 years of local industry experience, our rates are calculated very carefully using a consistent process across time periods.

As many rates as possible are built up 'from first principles'.  This involves:

  • a material cost per unit of measure
  • conversion (if necessary) to the unit of measure, from sheet, bag, box, etc
  • deducting an average trade discount
  • adding an allowance for waste – varies depending on situation
  • fixings – screws, nails, glue, etc
  • labour to install, based on time multiplied by cost
  • contractors’ margin

Do the rates include GST?

No, the construction/building rates in CostBuilder do not include GST.

Where are the material prices for the rates obtained from?

These are obtained from more than 70 different trade suppliers. Some of the suppliers details are included within the website, but others have asked for their names to remain confidential.

Should I add GST to these rates?

If you are the ‘end user’ in GST terms, usually a home owner, then YES, you should add GST to these rates, as you will be charged GST by the builder.

What does the number in the Hrs (hours) column mean?

This indicates the ‘labour constant’ used in the rate build-up, and shows how long an item of work can take to perform, in average circumstances.  For example, Ground Floor Joist, 150mm x 40mm, 0.13 hours per metre.  In the rate build-up, the ‘labour constant’ is multiplied by the hourly labour rate to give a cost.  So using the same example, 0.13 hrs x $45 per hour = $5.85.

CostX Integration FAQ's

I’m an existing CostX customer but not a CostBuilder subscriber:

If you are already a CostX customer, but not a CostBuilder subscriber and would like to access CostBuilder costs within CostX – you’ll need to contact RIB using the form on their page & pay for a CostBuilder subscription and the RIB CostX QV CostBuilder library file subscription. RIB and QV will confirm your details with each other. Then QV will ensure that you have full access to the CostBuilder website, and RIB will also grant you access to the CostBuilder data to use in CostX.

I’m an existing CostBuilder subscriber and existing CostX customer:

If you are already a customer of both CostX and CostBuilder and would like to access CostBuilder costs within CostX, you’ll need to contact RIB using the form & pay a RIB CostX QV CostBuilder library file subscription. RIB and QV will confirm your details with each other, then RIB will provide access to the CostBuilder data to use in CostX. You will still be able to access the CostBuilder data on the CostBuilder website.

I’m an existing CostBuilder subscriber but not a CostX customer:

If you are already a CostBuilder subscriber but not a CostX customer, you’ll need to contact RIB using the form and purchase a CostX license, as well as pay a RIB CostX QV CostBuilder library file subscription to RIB. Once paid, RIB will provide access to the CostBuilder data to use in CostX. You will still be able to access the CostBuilder data on the CostBuilder website.

Where can I learn more about CostBuilder's CostX data integration to understand if it's right for my organisation?

You can read more on the Cost-X integration page, or by contacting the CostBuilder Customer Care team on 0800 782 678 or on email at